The Division of Student Advocacy is responsible for providing support to our school community. Our goal is to eliminate barriers which may impede the social and academic growth of our students. The Division of Student Advocacy is comprised of the following individuals, listed below, with their corresponding responsibilities:
- Serves as the district Anti-Bullying Coordinator
- Serves as the district Affirmative Action Officer and Title IX Coordinator
- Serves as the district Homelessness Liaison
- Serves as the district Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) Liaison
- Coordinates district crisis services related to mental health or sudden loss
- Assists in coordination of student crisis related to potential suicide
- Assists in student related drug and alcohol treatment
- Coordinates efforts related to central registration grades K-6
- Reviews requests for school placement
- Communicates with the County Superintendent’s office regarding parent concerns
- Coordinates adult education evening program at Passaic High School
- Works with and advocates on behalf of families regarding all facets of school
- Supervises the 504 process in schools
- Reviews home instruction cases with school counselors, nurse, and school physician
- Supervises Intervention and Referral Services in schools
- Serves as alternative education liaison for general education students
- Coordinates supports with community agencies to provide support for students
- Works jointly with DCP&P
- Coordinates process for students or staff suspected of having a communicable disease
- Ensures the school system complies with all required statutes and health alerts
- Develops an annual Nursing Services Plan
- Coordinates nursing services to nonpublic schools
- Assists with the implementation of HIB policies and procedures
- Assists with mediating parent concerns as it relates to registration and immunizations
- Coordinates health services with Passaic City Health Department
- Serves on community substance abuse committee
- Provides parent workshops and establishes communication with community
- Provides parents with opportunities to support school activities
- Assists parents and staff in resolving concerns expressed at conferences
- Coordinates community based efforts to promote positive parental involvement
- Maintains communication with building administrators and staff to support students
- Provides training for parents to serve as parent leaders
- Parent Liaisons provide the following informative workshops for parents:
- Title I
- Parent Right to Know
- Health and Nutrition
- Literacy
- Math Workshops
- Anti-bullying
- English as a Second Language
- Computer Literacy
- Grade Level Parent Meetings