Online Registration



If your child was born on or before October 31, 2021, please click on 2024-2025 above to register for the current school year.


Otherwise, if your child was born on or after November 1, 2021, please click on 2025-2026 above to pre-register for the following school year.

How to Register

  1. Please note that a PowerSchool account is required to register. You may log in or create an account through the links above.
    • For assistance filling in or submitting the form please either
      • Call 866-752-6850 option 1 (English only) Support Hours:  Monday- Friday 8:00 AM-8:00 PM EST 
      • Click here to chat with support (English and Spanish) Support Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-2:30 PM EST
  2. Fill in and submit the application
    • If you have any questions please call the following numbers:
      • For Prek: 973-470-2170
      • For grades K-8: 973-470-5551
      • For grades 9-12: 973-470-5614
  3. Create an appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

Students who need to enroll as New Students include:

  • Students who will be attending the Passaic Public Schools for the first time who recently moved into the district or who have previously attended a private school or home-school.
  • Students transferring back in to Passaic Public Schools.
  • PreK Students – any child residing in Passaic, who is 3 or 4 years of age on or before October 31st.


Since you will need to provide information specific to each student you will need to fill the New Student Registration once per student enrolling.  We recommend that you submit one child’s verification and then start the next. Doing so will allow some shared family information to carry over from one form to the next and save you time.

Yes, you may save your work and return at a later time to complete the forms.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required. You will not be able to submit the forms if required fields have been omitted.

You should bring the following to your appointment:

  1. Parent’s identification (ID)
  2. Original birth certificate of student
  3. Three (3) proofs of address – proofs must reflect the name, address, and be dated within the last three months.  For example, PSE&G bill, phone bill, lease or medical bill.
  4. Student’s up-to-date immunization records
  5. Transfer card from the previous school district, if applicable
  6. Your student’s most recent report card, if applicable

In order for us to be able to provide the best service possible, we ask for everyone to please schedule an appointment (one per student registering).

Your appointment will be held at the Passaic Board of Education Central Registration Office located on the 6th floor of 663 Main Avenue.

Before your child begins attending school it is important to submit their medical forms and immunization records. If you were not able to provide these during your initial appointment please make sure to submit these documents prior to attending school.
Yes, you can fill out the form on your smartphone. However, we recommend that you use a computer for this.